Bowen Therapy, stimulates specific receptors that enable the body itself to correct dysfunctions and restore homeostasis (balance). Bowen Therapy has consistently been shown to have profound outcome for chronic pain reduction & rapid relief for acute pain. That Bowen Therapy treats the whole body with holistic effects are apparent in patients who find resolution to problems above and beyond those for which they have sought treatment, for example lack of energy, stress or emotional issues. This technique and Lise's approach are well suited for the individual looking for a gentle, integrated, and holistic approach.
Read on for more, or click the "schedule now" bar above to book your appointment today.
Under the umbrella of Massage Therapy in Washington State, this soft-tissue manipulation balances the body’s central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system. Based on neurological laws that explain how the central nervous system initiates and maintains pain, the goal is to help relieve the pain and dysfunction by understanding and alleviating the root cause. For example, one may feel pain in one area of the body, but the actual source of the pain is elsewhere causing a referral pattern that will not subside until the root cause is addressed. Bowen may help individuals who experience distortion and biomechanical dysfunction, which is often a symptom of a deeper problem. It is also used to locate and release spasms and hypercontraction in the tissue, eliminate trigger points that cause referred pain, rebuild the strength of injured tissues, assist venous and lymphatic flow, and restore postural alignment which has been affected by tension patterns over time. Bowen and it's sister treatment MSTR® compliment each other greatly when one's underlying tissues are associated with pain, and in particular when scar tissue is involved. Lise will bring either technique into the setting based on which is most appropriate in the moment.
Bowen is a neuromuscular technique as it is intended to treat muscular and neurological pain. Gentle stimulation of active trigger points releases muscle tension allowing the body to relax. This also activates the body’s natural healing ability. Short rest periods between moves allow the body to integrate healing. Not to be confused with the trademarked name which also uses the working "neuromuscular technique"
What age is safe to use Bowen Therapy?
Bowen Therapy is safe, gentle and effective for people of all ages from newborn babies and pregnant women, to the elderly.
How many treatments are necessary?
This depends on the severity and length of time one has been suffering. You may need more treatments if you have long standing and or severe conditions and fewer treatments for more recent and moderate ones.If you are new to Bowen therapy it is best to receive a minimum of 3-5 weekly treatments to determine if this therapy will be helpful your specific condition. If you have "tried everything" it also may take your body a little bit of time to understand this uniquely gentle approach. Please arrive to your first appointment with a beginners mind and open to possibilities. In the same light, if you have had great success with a therapist or technique at another time in your life, please remind yourself that this is a new day and this is a new therapist. We tend to romanticize those fabulous moments of the past. It is an unfair and unrealistic comparison. Meet each moment anew.
How long is a session?
Up to 50 minutes
What should I wear?
At The Metta Center, Bowen is done over clothing. Please wear flexible and thin clothing is most appropriate to wear, i.e. t-shirt, cotton sweat pants or leggings are great. Please avoid nylon fabric as it has a tendency to slip, and jeans which are frequently non-yielding. Elastic or drawstring waistbands are preferred.
How will I know if the Bowen is working?
During a Bowen treatment it is common to start feeling more mentally and physically relaxed after about 15-20 minutes into the treatment. However, since the effects of the treatment usually continue for the next several days, significant changes may not be felt right away. It is not uncommon for an individual to feel a sense of discomfort in the next day or two- this can be credited to the shifting of tissues and pathways opening up- unfamiliar sensations are often felt as uncomfortable. This is a sign that the treatments are working- but also not required! Day 4 is most telling.
What instructions do I need to follow after a Bowen treatment?
For maximum benefits:
ï‚· Avoid strenuous activities for several days
ï‚· Drink plenty of water
ï‚· Walk 10-30 minutes daily
ï‚· Avoid ice
Will Bowen Therapy solve my health problem?
Bowen Therapy can be effective for most muscle-skeletal conditions most of the time. Many people do report significant improvement or relief of symptoms. If you are not sure if Bowen may be helpful for you, please contact the clinic to consult with the Bowen practitioner.
How much does a Bowen treatment cost?
One session is $95
Prepaid packages of 5 $404
Prepaid packages of 10 $807
Venmo, Cash, Check or Credit Card. We do take HCA cards and will write receipts for your insurance carrier- but we do not bill insurance and are not affiliated with any insurance companies.